On Monday, 4 June 2012 at 22:06:49 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
On 05.06.2012 1:56, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
Will it be difficult to adapt your API for immutable tries? E.g., it is not possible to implement immutable sequence (linked list) as a range,

Linked list? I'm horrified. Though I'd need some info on where and why you'd need that ;) Despite some claims to the contrary small arrays (like e-hm 10_000 elements) are faster in nearly all operations possible.
That was for illustration only, as the most trivial example of immutable data structure (and probably the most widely used structure in functional programming).

so range API doesn't fit that (but could with a tweak - returning tail
instead of mutating in popFront). If trie API will have similar
problems, then I need to invent my own. I understand that immutability
is not your priority for GSoC, though.

Well I might remove obstacles, if you outline your design more clearly.
OK, thanks! I'll go through your code first to understand it better. But even before that I need to finish an important support request from my past customer...

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