On 09/06/2012 18:47, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On Saturday, 9 June 2012 at 01:11:49 UTC, Stewart Gordon wrote:
Including it in D seems very unlikely.

Including it in Phobos, OTOH, is another matter.

My bad phrasing.  Of course in Phobos.

On 09/06/12 08:25, SomeDude wrote:
I've never had any use for rational numbers as have 99% of developers I believe.
Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I see only two possible usages of them:
math packages and length quotations in the english system. Because of this, I'd
rather see them in Deimos than in Phobos.

In fact the application I had in mind was for music software, where you want to 
be able to
store pitch changes in fractions of a whole tone.  In that context it's 
important that
adding up those changes be guaranteed to produce exact results.

e.g. if you take middle C and raise it by 1 whole tone _exactly_ you arrive at 
the note
D.  If you raise it by 0.99999999999999999999999999995 instead, how does your 
reliably handle this?

By using an integer type to store pitches in such a way that the semitone is 
the basic unit.

Do you compose music that makes use of demisemitones, thirds of tones, and so 


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