On Wednesday, 20 June 2012 at 14:36:48 UTC, ixid wrote:
Is there any reason not to add this so you can use foo := bar as a shorthand for auto foo = bar?

I would be against this change. There isn't much to say agaist it especially since => was fairly recently added (though has more benefit than I see here). The word auto is not hard to type for a Dvorak user, it kind of just roles off (auto). Declarations would then need to be identified by starting with auto or variable :=.

And on that similar point, Vim fails to go to declarations already. While I don't anticipate trying to fix this anytime soon, the new form would likely make this yet another thing to go wrong.

Somewhere you made a comment about

const auto ...;

No, it is

const int ...;

You can't include auto if you are using const/immutable... but you can include the actual type.

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