"Lars T. Kyllingstad" , dans le message (digitalmars.D:170370), a
>>> auto name = initializer;
>>> const name = initializer;
>>> immutable name = initializer;
>>> shared name = initializer;
>>> enum name = initializer;
>> After the first aren't these all just short hand for "const 
>> auto name = init" etc with the given keyword?
> No. Many don't realise this, but "auto" doesn't  actually stand 
> for "automatic type inference". It is a storage class, like 
> static, extern, etc., and it means that the variable stops 
> existing at the end of the scope. It is, however, the default 
> storage class, which is why it is useful when all you want is 
> type inference. Even C has auto.

auto is called a storage class, but where did you read that auto would 
make the variable stop existing at the end of the scope ?

int delegate(int) add(int i, int j)
  auto k = i+j;
  return a => a+k;

Are you sure k will stop existing at the end of the scope ? I have no 
compiler at hand to check this, but I would be very surprised.

Object Create()
  auto k = new Object();
  return k;

Same question.


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