On Monday, 25 June 2012 at 18:31:53 UTC, Bernard Helyer wrote:
Penguins can't fly. Ergo, GWAN makes false claims. QED.

This logic shit is easy. :P

Do you mean Windows is faster than Linux ?
Or are you speaking about Freebsd/NetBsd/SunOs, ...

The choice made by gwan are the same than those of Vibe
- 1 thread/core
- aync IO + a blocking api (thanks to Fiber for Vibe)
- dynamic page in a low level language ( C vs D )

the MAIN difference:
- Vibe is a library ! If you develop a site with it you must reompile in case of change. - Gwan C applets are automatically recompiled on-the-fly in case of change NB: this could be done in Vibe ... may-be easier than the load-balancer approach.

By the way, I like the approach of Yeoseod benchmark: create a script to install, run and analyse tests on an EC2 instance. Thus easily reproductible by (almost) everyone !

May be someone should update this test
- add NGinx, Gwan, Vibe, ...
- use also a micro instance
- transfert small file (1K), big file (1MB), dynamic page (hello world), real stuff ex: gwan loan page (CPU intensive, thus obviously good for C and D)

I think this test could become THE comparison test such as http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ is THE comparison test for languages...

Unfortunately, I haven't access to an EC2 instance :-(

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