On 07-07-2012 12:45, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-07-07 01:50, Adam Wilson wrote:

My guess is that, unless something changes significantly, DMD will
remain a niche tool; useful as a reference/research compiler, but for
actual work people will use LDC or GDC.

One think I really like about DMD is that is really fast at compiling.
It's also a lot faster to compile DMD and LDC/GDC, especially if you
need to compile the backends.

True, but then again, DMD only targets /one/ architecture, while e.g. LLVM targets lots. On a high-end 4-core x86, building LLVM and LDC can usually be done in less than an hour, even when building them in optimized mode. Plus, you usually don't need to recompile LLVM anyway, only LDC.

At the moment, the ONLY reasons I use DMD are to test my changes to the
compiler and that LLVM doesn't yet support SEH. As soon as LDC supports
SEH, and it will (I hear 3.2 will), I will move all my work to LDC. So
what if it's a version or two behind, it has superior code generation
and better Windows support (COFF/x64 anybody?).

That is being worked on:


I just hope this will mean we can use the Microsoft linker...

Alex Rønne Petersen

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