On Sunday, 8 July 2012 at 18:13:49 UTC, Stefan Scholl wrote:
"bearophile" <bearophileh...@lycos.com> wrote:

On default in Rust types are immutable. If you want the mutable type you
need to annotate it with "mut" in some way.

Rust designers seems to love really short keywords, this is in my opinion a bit silly. On the other hand in D you have keywords like "immutable" that are rather long to type. So I prefer a mid way between those two.

Short keywords are only important with barebones editors like a default vi.
Nobody would use this for real development.

I started I long discussion on Reddit, because I complained that the goal of 5 letter keywords is primitive, and brings back memories of the time the compilers were memory constraint.

For example, I remember in Turbo C 2.0, the identifiers could not be longer than 32 bytes, and it was even possible to specify a lower default limit to get a bit more memory!

As someone that values readable code, I don't understand this desire to turn every programming language into APL.


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