On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:46:29 -0400, Alex Rønne Petersen <a...@lycus.org> wrote:

On 12-07-2012 18:33, deadalnix wrote:
On 12/07/2012 18:09, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:58:28 -0400, deadalnix <deadal...@gmail.com>

Both desirable things, but I don't think those would have much
impact on
the D/Objective-C bridge.

I think this is not a problem as big as it is stated.

Most of that code will be executed close to never, and 60Mb isn't a
big deal for any modern computer, not even for most cell phones now.

You will never ever ever convince me that 60MB for a hello world program
is "the norm", and should just be accepted on any platform.


It depend what the function look like. if it is 60Mb + x where x is
aproximatively proportional to the amount of code, it is fine.

I don't think you're going to convince your average Android/iOS user to download 60+ MB for your app. :)

Right. For example, I had an app on my iPhone (that my wife downloaded) called "classic books", which I guess contained a few classic books.

It was 500MB. I uninstalled it. No self-respecting book reading application should be 500MB on iOS. iBooks by apple is 52.5 MB with 200KB in data (i.e. books) from about 19 books.

That's under 60MB, and it does a hell of a lot more than print "Hello world". Your app would get 1 star from me :)

Note that I went through this exercise recently because I ran out of space to take pictures. The size *does* make a difference on a 16GB device that is used to store lots of media (pics and music).

You will have less opposition on a full platform with 500GB to 1TB of disk space, but notice how everyone complains that their computers run slower over time... My answer is usually "install less shit".


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