On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:08 PM, David Piepgrass <qwertie...@gmail.com>wrote:
> I, too, was enamored with Go Interfaces and implemented them for .NET:
> http://www.codeproject.com/**Articles/87991/Dynamic-**
> interfaces-in-any-NET-language<http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/87991/Dynamic-interfaces-in-any-NET-language>

Interesting, good article and project, thanks.

And I wasn't the only one; later, someone else published another library
> for .NET with the exact same goal. This is definitely a feature I would
> want to see in D, preferably as a first-class feature, although sadly that
> would break any code that relies on ISomething being pointer-sized; Go uses
> fat pointers, and we use a thin-pointer implementation in .NET but it's
> inefficient (as every cast creates a heap-allocated wrapper, and
> double-indirection is needed to reach the real method.)

D has powerful template and CTFE, seems we have more choices, fat pointer
or thin pointer. I didn't think seriously about the performance differences.

About every cast creates a heap-allocated wrapper, I think we can try to
use lower cost way in D. In my code:


    void opAssign(V)(GoInterface!(V) v) if (is(V == interface)) {
        //pragma(msg, "assign for GoInterface");
        static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(V, T)) {
            //pragma(msg, V.stringof ~ " can implicitly convert to " ~
            m_impl = v.m_impl;
        else static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(T, V)) {
            //pragma(msg, T.stringof ~ " can implicitly convert to " ~
V.stringof ~ ", try dynamic cast");
            if (v.m_impl is null) {
                m_impl = null;
            else {
                m_impl = cast(T)(v.m_impl);
                if (m_impl is null) {
                    // dynamic cast failed, try dynamic proxy
                    m_impl = buildDynamicProxy!(V)(v);
        else {
            //pragma(msg, "cannot implicitly between " ~ V.stringof ~
" and " ~ T.stringof);
            static if (isInterfaceConvertible!(V, T)) {
                //pragma(msg, "generate static proxy to convert " ~
V.stringof ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
                m_impl = new StaticProxy!(V)(v.m_impl);
            else {
                //pragma(msg, V.stringof ~ " not compatible " ~
T.stringof ~ ", must dynamic build call proxy");
                m_impl = buildDynamicProxy!(V)(v);


Some cases we can directly do assignment, it also can be optimized to
reduce heap allocation.

> Anyway, they say it's possible to build runtime reflection in D but I've
> no idea how... has it never been done before?

> Of course, runtime template instantiation won't be possible. Therefore,
> run-time casting will have to be more limited than compile-time casting.
> Reflection to free functions would be really nice, but it might be less
> capable at run-time. Consider if you there is a class A in third-party
> module MA that you want to cast to interface I, but class A is missing a
> function F() from I. So in your module (module MB) you define a free
> function F(B) and now you can do the cast. I guess realistically this can
> only happen at compile-time, since a run-time cast would naturally only
> look in module MA, not MB, for functions it could use to perform the cast.
> Presumably, it also requires that MA requested a run-time reflection table
> to be built, and is it possible to build a reflection table for a module
> over which you have no control?

Free functions support is hard, with runtime cast, I just think compile

I am trying to support free functions at compile time, is also hard, since
the generator in gointerface module, but other modules are only visible in
the module that used these modules. I have an ugly implementation used
compile time string mixin, trying to simplify it. Fighting.

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