On Tuesday, 17 July 2012 at 18:37:54 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I guess you predate me. ;-) When I started learning C, it was already in the ANSI syntax, though there were enough K&R style code floating around that I've at least _seen_ K&R syntax. I'm guessing nowadays most people
don't even know what K&R syntax is.


I started coding in C around 1993 with Turbo C 2.0, but was exposed to K&R code from different sources, specially when we needed to make use of a System V based system for some OS classes.

Plus as a language geek, I had the pleasure to have access a lots of books and papers since the late 70's in our university library.

That is a reason why I tend to have a good background in what languages introduced which paradigm.

Maybe it is the historian in me. :)


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