On 20/07/2012 03:08, Chang Long wrote:

Let me make myself more clear, what I suggestion is something like this:

mixin( std.process.execute("/usr/bin/template_engine
template_file_path.htm") );

When translate the template code to D code,  need a lot D type arguments
information.  And one Web application may need very many page,  and the
type may change frequently.  If I am not doing it on the CTFE will
geometric increase workload.

If D want to be participants in the web field,  I think that this
feature sooner or later will be needed.

By coincidence, Walter recently mentioned something similar being integrated into D to support DStep:

So perhaps the above mixin would be:
import "template_file_path.htm";

According to the link, that would execute:
htm_to_D template_file_path.htm

The htm_to_D program would generate a .d module which would then get imported.


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