On 7/22/12 9:39 AM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
1) About templates, would class/struct/function templates be in there?
As in:

class Foo(T,U) { ... }
class TemplateInfo {
     string name();
     FunctionInfo[] functions();
     ClassInfo[] classes();
     TemplateInfo[] templates(); // Yes, templates in templates are
possible, and so on, recursively

Yah, ideally all entities definable in a D module should be available via reflection. But I focused on things that e.g. the user of a dynamically-loaded library would be interested in: functions, classes.

std.reflection could become the lynchpin for dynamic library use; once the library is loaded (with dlopen or such), the client needs to call getModuleInfo() (a C function that can be found with dlsym()) and then get access to pointers to functions necessary for doing all other work. (Note that my examples don't yet include pointers to executable code yet.)

2) Why classes, as opposed to structs? Would inheritance/hierarchies
play a role there? Or reference semantics?
Note that between structs, classes, templates and modules there is a
lot of redundancy. A possibility could be to have an AggregateInfo
base class.

Initially I used struct, but then I figured reference semantics are more natural for storing cross-entity information, as you indeed took advantage of in your TemplateInfo.

3) For a class, a (to my eyes) standard request would be to get the
parents chain, up to Object. Could that be added in ClassInfo, or as
an external free function? (edit: scratch that, you're talking about
lazy gathering below).

I used strings because I assumed it's easy to just query the ClassInfo given a string. But yes, we could use references to ClassInfo and InterfaceInfo etc. in a transitive manner.

4) How would that allows queries like "Here is class C, give me all
its available subclasses."? Hmm, wait, I get it: extract classes from
the module, and recursively from imported modules. From these classes,
extract the parent classes and so on, until the search ranged over the
whole inheritance tree. I guess inheritance info could be standard
enough for std.reflection to provide such a search.

Something like that. Note that such a query is not particularly OO-ish, because getting a class' cone (totality of subclasses) works against the modularity that inheritance is meant for. I don't think we should make getting class cones particularly easy.

5) The compiler can emit JSON output giving a partial view of the same
information. As a long-term goal, I suggest these infos should be
compatible somehow. The JSON output should be enriched, and we should
ascertain that using std.json to read this kind of
automatically-generated information should give std.reflection infos

Yes, that's a great connection that Walter and I discussed a bit.

6) Is really all the necessary info available through std.traits and
__traits? Imported modules and their subtilities (renamed functions,
etc) seem out of reach, no?

We'll need indeed to enhance __traits with what's needed. Much of the point of std.reflection is to determine exactly what's there and what's needed. And that starts with the data structures design (the algorithmic aspects are minor).

7) I know your examples are not complete, but don't forget aliases and
symbols, and module-level values. Since these can be of any type, I'm
not sure how they are managed in your scheme. I mean, you cannot have
IntInfo[], DoubleInfo[], ...

I sort of eschewed part of that by using strings for types.

8) (more a remark than a question) To me, it's another example of a
tree-like structure. I humbly suggest we get a std.tree somewhere, to
manipulate generic n-ary trees: mapping on trees, searching
(extracting elements or whole subtrees), folding trees, etc. That is,
a module that deals with trees/graphs not so much as containers, but
as a way to represent the relationships between elements. I'm not sure
I'm so clear here, but ideally std.json, std.xml, std.reflection and
probably a few others should use it as a low-level basis.
Btw, I have tree / trees algo (including depth-first / breadth-first
ranges) / graph / graph algo (strongly connected components, search in
graphs, ...) on github, but it's code that predate std.container and
is in limbo, pending std.allocator.

Well you're the resident crazy-stuff-during-compilation guy. Did you try your trees during compilation?


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