On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Dmitry Olshansky <dmitry.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23-Jul-12 10:30, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
>>> Well you're the resident crazy-stuff-during-compilation guy.
>> Ah! I wish.
>> I had this wonderful idea of having code be parsed at CT, semantically
>> analyzed, transformed into some machine code at CT and... , oh wait.
> I kind of did it...
> regex pattern  ---parse---> bytecode ---generate D code---> profit.
> BTW you can avoid machine code, just use D code as glorified backend :)
> (and get optimizations for free, yay!)

Hey, that was a joke, about implementing a D compiler in D, to be
executed at CT by the real D compiler to basically do its job a second
time, only worse :)
But yes, your regex work is a great example. I should have a look at
the code once more.

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