On 04-Aug-12 14:55, Christophe Travert wrote:
Dmitry Olshansky , dans le message (digitalmars.D:174214), a écrit :
Most likely - since you re-read the same memory twice to do it.

You're probably right, but if you do this right after the token is
generated, the memory should still be near the processor. And the
operation on the first read should be very basic: just check nothing
illegal appears, and check for the end of the token.

q{ .. }
"\x13\x27 ...\u1212"

In most cases it takes around the same time to check correctness and output it as simply pass it by. (see also re-decoding unicode in identifiers, though that's rare to see unicode chars in identifier)

The cost is not
negligible, but what you do with litteral tokens can vary much, and what
the lexer will propose may not be what the user want, so the user may
suffer the cost of the litteral decoding (including allocation of the
decoded string, the copy of the caracters, etc), that he doesn't want,
or will have to re-do his own way...

I see it as a compile-time policy, that will fit nicely and solve both issues. Just provide a templates with a few hooks, and add a Noop policy that does nothing.

Dmitry Olshansky

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