On 8/7/12 14:39 , Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
Since the review queue has been mostly silent again I've decided to jump
in and manage the one that's ready to go :)

Today starts the the review of std.hash package by Johannes Pfau. We go
with the usual cycle of two weeks for review and one week for voting.
Thus review ends on 22th of August, followed by voting that ends on 29th
of August.


std.hash.hash is a new module for Phobos defining an uniform interface
for hashes and checksums. It also provides some useful helper functions
to deal with this new API.

The std.hash package also includes:

I think "std.crypto" is a better name for the package. At first I thought it contained an implementation of a Hash table.

Also note these entries in wikipedia:


Your package provides the later, not just any hash functions, but *crypto*graphic hash functions. :-)

(and yes, I know I'm just discussing the name here, but names *are* important)

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