On Wed, 08 Aug 2012 14:03:32 +0100, Tobias Pankrath <tob...@pankrath.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, 8 August 2012 at 12:55:04 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

Like it or not, Digest is the correct term:
"The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm .."

You could have cited the hole sentence

I could have, but I didn't read that far :p I knew what I was looking for and I copy/pasted it.

The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm is a widely used cryptographic hash function

So at least this implies that hash function is the more general term here and the corresponding wiki article is named "hash function" and does not even mention digest.

"Message-Digest Algorithm" is the proper term, "hash" is another, correct, more general term.

"hash" has other meanings, "Message-Digest Algorithm" does not.

std.message-digest-algorithm is a bit wordy.

std.digest is not.

std.digest cannot be confused with anything else.

I didn't think of an hash table implementation, maybe you are spoiled by writing one at the moment? (no offence).

"Hash" has too many meanings, we should avoid it.

At least hash table does not use a different meaning of the term hash.

But I'm not that deep into it, I'd just say that digest is not clearly better than hash.

I think it is.


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