Am Wed, 29 Aug 2012 04:57:32 +0200
schrieb "Jesse Phillips" <>:

> All this discussion on the use of auto in the docs made me notice 
> something else about the docs I missed.
> I like how ranges are documented and think digest could do the 
> same. Instead of an ExampleDigest, just write the details under 
> isDigest.

I had a look at how std.range documents the range interfaces, but the
std.digest API forces more details on the implementation
(@trusted, exact parameter types for put, return type of finish,...)
so I think simply writing a text paragraph could get confusing.

But if someone posts a pull request which replaces the ExampleDigest
with something else I'm all for it.
> I don't see a need for template the constraint example (D idiom).
> This would require changing examples which use ExampleDigest, but 
> maybe that should happen anyway since it doesn't exist.

Yes, I'll change the examples (this also makes them runnable in theory.
Although I have not found any documentation about making examples
runnable on
> I don't see a reason to change my vote because of this, its all 
> documentation.

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