On Thursday, 6 September 2012 at 21:58:43 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
This program won't assert
and would segfault if 'i' was accessed by 'func'.

So it seems. The way I read it says it dereferences it first. Regardless that you are forcibly referencing a pointer which is low-level trickery; which I'm sure is undefined behavior.

Course if you have to check/treat it as a pointer, adding @safe suddenly refuses to compile (Won't let you get the address); But if you leave it out (without @trusted either) and make main @safe, suddenly that doesn't compile either. (Because I'm sure quite a few functions you'd want to share will end up being @safe and pure).

  auto func(ref int i) @safe {
    assert(!&i); //won't compile as @safe
    debug {    //ignore that writeln is system
      writeln("Address:", &i); //here too
      writeln("Value:", i);
    return i;

  void main() @safe {
    int v = 100; func(v);
    int* i; func(*i);

As I commented before: Would you really want to blindly put @trusted on everything? In order for the above to work, either neither is @safe, or func is @trusted.

Course you can always leave @safe out, assuming you aren't making anything you intend to share or will never be called by anything that's @safe.

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