On 9/20/12 11:03 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:02:10 -0400
Andrei Alexandrescu<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org>  wrote:

On 9/18/12 5:07 PM, "Øivind" wrote:
* For all tests, the best run is selected, but would it not be
reasonable in some cases to get the average value? Maybe excluding
the runs that are more than a couple std. deviations away from the
mean value..

After extensive tests with a variety of aggregate functions, I can
say firmly that taking the minimum time is by far the best when it
comes to assessing the speed of a function.

*Ahem*: http://zedshaw.com/essays/programmer_stats.html

I'm not sure I figure how this applies to the discussion at hand.

Your claim that the minimum time is sufficient is...ummm...extremely
unorthodox, to say the least.

What would be the orthodoxy? If orthodoxy is what google finds, it's good we're not orthodox.

As such, you're going to need a far more
convincing argument than "It worked well for me."

Sure. I have just detailed the choices made by std.benchmark in a couple of posts.

At Facebook we measure using the minimum, and it's working for us. We've tried other approaches (such as taking the mode of the distribution). Turns out the minimum is better every time. Take a look at the early return in estimateTime():


I assume I don't need to preach that "Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence". But, condensing benchmarks and statistics down
to "take the minimum" and saying that's sufficient is one heck of an
extraordinary claim. If you feel that you can provide sufficiently
extraordinary justification, then please do.

My claim is unremarkable. All I'm saying is the minimum running time of an algorithm on a given input is a stable and indicative proxy for the behavior of the algorithm in general. So it's a good target for optimization.

There might be some confusion that std.benchmark does profiling. That's not part of its charter.

Otherwise, I think we'll need richer results. At the very least there
should be an easy way to get at the raw results programmatically
so we can run whatever stats/plots/visualizations/output-formats we
want. I didn't see anything like that browsing through the docs, but
it's possible I may have missed it.

Currently std.benchmark does not expose raw results for the sake of simplicity. It's easy to expose such, but I'd need a bit more convincing about their utility.

That brings up another question too: I like the idea of a
one-stop-benchmarking-shop, much like we have for unittests, but maybe
reporting shouldn't be so tightly integrated and left more open for
integration with a proper statistics lib and more generalized
output abilities? But of course, that doesn't preclude having a nice
built-in, but optional, default report. (Again though, maybe I'm
overlooking something already in the module?)

That's pretty much what's happening. There's an API for collecting timings, and then there's an API for printing those with a default format.

One other nitpick: My initial impression is that the
"benchmark_relative_file read" stuff seems a bit kludgey (and
confusing to visually parse). Is there maybe a better way to handle
that? For example, inspired by getopt:

     "file write", { std.file.write("/tmp/deleteme", "hello, world!"); },
     "file read", { std.file.read("/tmp/deleteme"); },
     "array creation", { new char[32]; })

The issue here is automating the benchmark of a module, which would require some naming convention anyway.


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