Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 00:11:51 Jens Mueller wrote:
> > I thought foo is interpreted at compile time.
> > There seems to be a subtle difference I'm not getting.
> > Because you can do the factorial using CTFE even though you have
> > recursion. I.e. there you have a call to the function itself. I.e. it
> > can be compiled because you just insert a call to the function. But for
> > a template you cannot issue something like call for instantiation.
> > Have to think more about it. But your answer helps a lot. Pushes me in
> > the right direction.
> Okay. Straight up recursion works. So, with this code
> int func(int value)
> {
>  if(value < 10)
>  return func(value + 1);
>  return value;
> }
> enum var = func(5);
> var would be 10. The problem is that you're trying to pass the result of a 
> recursive call as a template argument. As far as a function's behavior goes, 
> it's identical regardless of whether it's run at compile time or runtime 
> (save 
> that __ctfe is true at compile time but not runtime). To quote the docs:
> ------
> Any func­tions that ex­e­cute at com­pile time must also be ex­e­cutable at 
> run time. The com­pile time eval­u­a­tion of a func­tion does the 
> equiv­a­lent 
> of run­ning the func­tion at run time. This means that the se­man­tics of a 
> func­tion can­not de­pend on com­pile time val­ues of the func­tion. For ex­
> am­ple:
> int foo(char[] s) {
>  return mixin(s);
> }
> const int x = foo("1");
> is il­le­gal, be­cause the run­time code for foo() can­not be gen­er­ated. A 
> func­tion tem­plate would be the ap­pro­pri­ate method to im­ple­ment this 
> sort of thing.
> ------

Is it also illegal to do

int foo(char[] s) {
  if (__ctfe)
    return mixin(s);
    return ""; // or assert(false)


Because this is executable at run time.

> You're doing something very similar to passing a function argument to a mixin 
> statement, but in this case, it's passing the result of calling a function 
> which doesn't exist yet (since it hasn't been fully compiled) to a template.
> In order for your foo function to be called, it must be fully compiled first 
> (including its entire body, since CTFE needs the full definition of the 
> function, not just its signature). The body cannot be fully compiled until 
> the 
> template that it's using is instantiated. But that template can't be compiled 
> until foo has been compiled, because you're passing a call to foo to it as a 
> template argument. So, you have a circular dependency.

I see. That's is clear to me now. Thanks.

> Normal recursion avoids this, because it only depends on the function's 
> signature, but what you're doing requires that the function be _run_ as part 
> of the process of defining it. That's an unbreakable circular dependency and 
> will never work. You need to redesign your code so that you don't require a 
> function to call itself while it's being defined. Being called at compile 
> time 
> is fine, but being called while it's being compiled is not.

But if the function wasn't compiled but interpreted at compile time it
would be possible, wouldn't it?


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