On Monday, 1 October 2012 at 12:56:05 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Sun, 30 Sep 2012 11:42:40 +0200
"monarch_dodra" <monarchdo...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday, 28 September 2012 at 17:40:17 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 9/28/12, Bernard Helyer <b.hel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> By the time the compiler even has a concept of an 'if >> statement'
>> or a 'block' the whitespace is long gone. Not to say you
>> couldn't change the lexing model to detect such things,
>> but it's not a simple as you make it sound.
> I see, so it's an implementation limitation. I guess we'll > have to
> resort to that dlint tool which will have to be built.

Personally, EVEN when I'm doing a 1 line if, I *still* wrap it in a block. EG:

if(a == 0)
     a = 1;
if(a == 0) a = 1;

if(a == 0)
     {a = 1;}
if(a == 0) {a = 1;}

It might look iffy at first, but very quickly feels natural. It may look like it requires (god forbid) "useless" typing, but when that 1 liner becomes a 2 liner, it saves your life.

It has saved mine more than once actually!

I've done the dangling if bug often. One day I said "no-more!". I've addopted the above format, and it has not happened to me since.

Further more, thanks to D's ban on "if();", you can litterally never fail with this format. I warmly recommend it to every one.

I don't know if maybe this is somehow related to my inability to accept or feel comfortable with indent-based languages, but I don't think there's ever been a time I've forgotten to add curly braces when adding another statement to a one-statement 'if' or 'else' clause. It's just automatically the first thing I do, kinda like automatically turning the headlights off when I park the car (although the "headlights" thing is admittedly much more subconscious than the curly braces). I'll forget a semicolon pretty often, but the {} I haven't had a problem

I might just be weird, though.

Modern cars do have a warning system - The car makes a beep noise when opening the door while the headlights are on to remind the driver to turn them off.

Regarding indent-based languages - It has more cognitive costs for the programmer: 1. Tab vs. spaces holly-wars, how many spaces to use, etc, now become language enforced instead of a human style choice. 2. Some "redundant" syntax noise is necessary in a language, to make it easier for humans to "see" the code, even if it's redundant from the compiler's perspective.

A good programming language should resemble more a natural language than a mathematically rigorous language that is easily machine parsed. After all, we are _not_ computers. Programming language design is after all in large part a UX/UI question.

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