On Monday, 1 October 2012 at 16:44:34 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, October 01, 2012 17:38:42 foobar wrote:
> P.S. #1 reason to hate languages which don't use braces:
> there's no way in vim
> to hop to the beginning or end of a scope block (or function)
> from the other
> end. And _man_ is that annoying. God bless braces.

That would be an issue with your editor of choice not the
languages in question - I'm sure there are more suitable
editors/IDEs for such languages which are indent aware (as well
as scripts that add that functionality for vim).

It's built in to be able to hop between matching parens and braces and whatnot. Indention just doesn't work with that. You'd have to something completely different to be able to hop around in a lanugage without braces.

And I'd rather have an editor that can do everything that vim can do than use a glorified notepad like most IDEs are. Most programmers don't use their keyboard to navigate through code because their editors are too primitive to
do it.

I have _nothing_ good to say about languages which choose to be indentation- sensitive, completely aside from editor issues. It's just that the editor issues made it so that instead of just not liking the idea, I now absolutely
hate it.

- Jonathan M Davis

As I commented else-thread, I don't like indentation-sensitive languages either. Regarding the editor issue, I too prefer vim in the "text-editor" category but I consider it unfit for anything more than scripts and small C programs. For starters, the keyboard shortcuts are indeed highly optimized - for a right-handed person. Being a hard-core lefty, I truly hate the defaults on almost all software and going about changing those in vim is unintuitive and truly annoying. I prefer IDE's (e.g. Eclipse) code navigation features. For starters they don't have that horrible notion of ijkl for arrows which my fingers (on my right hand!) will never be able to learn, nor do I need to count words, lines, letters, etc to do useful stuff. So it all boils to that famous saying - YMMV.

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