On Sun, 2012-10-07 at 00:35 +0200, denizzzka wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 12:06:07 UTC, Thomas Koch wrote:
> >> - I looked for a PostgreSQL client library. I found small
> > personal hacks and
> > dead projects.
> https://github.com/denizzzka/dpq2
> This is my personal project but it is not dead, and I am 
> determined to see it through. At the moment, it is quite suitable 
> to be used in simple situations. Compiles without warnings by dmd 
> 2.060, also it can be used with rdmd.
> I really need users, comments, suggestions, bug reports and 
> commits.

Why only PostgreSQL. Shouldn't it also work with MySQL, Oracle, DB2,
PervasiveSQL, SQLite3, etc.?

From the example I assume that this is just a library for managing
connections and that everything else is just string-based SQL
statements. Groovy's and Python's lowest level is roughly the same.
However on top of these are expression languages in Groovy / Python so
as to remove the reliance on string processing, i.e. use an internal DSL
to do all the SQL stuff. For Python this is SQLAlchemy, for Groovy it
will hopefully be GSQL. I am sure Scala and C++ have something similar?

So I guess the question is how to ensure this all works with all SQL
systems and how to put an abstraction layer over this to avoid all the
error prone string manipulation?

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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