On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 at 15:19:08 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 9/18/12 10:25 AM, David Piepgrass wrote:
Actually I prefer breadth-first search when searching the file system. When I search an entire volume, inevitably the (depth-first) search gets stuck in a few giant, deep directories like the source code of Mono or some other cave of source code, you know, something 12 directories deep with 100,000 files in it. A breadth-first search would be more likely to find the thing I'm looking for BEFORE going spelunking in these 12-deep caves.

Yes, that was my intent too.


I just wanted to point out, BFS is generally a pretty BAD idea for searching a file system.

You instead probably want to implement DFS, and then alter it slightly to use iterative deepening instead of doing plain breadth-first search.

That way you won't be keeping open a million OS file handles.

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