On 10/8/2012 1:26 PM, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
I have a bug in one of my programs that I find particularly hard to reduce.

I am writing a Windows DLL plugin for the IRC chat client HexChat (aka
XChat). Problem is, all TLS variables, regardless of type, appear to be
initialized to complete rubbish values. Reading them does not cause an
access violation or anything, but the initial values are garbage. I am
initializing the runtime using the helpers found in core.sys.windows.dll

I wrote a dummy host application in C mimicking the loading behaviour of
HexChat - the TLS variables are initialized correctly in this case, even
though the DLL file is exactly the same.

What is it that a host application can do to break the TLS of a D plugin
it loads?

[1] http://pastebin.com/rg9uUQMe

What OS are you running? Implicite TLS for dynamically loaded DLLs is not supported by XP or Sever 2003, so druntime contains a fix to simulate it. (The workaround has the drawback that the DLL cannot be unloaded anymore.)

I'm just speculating, maybe something goes wrong with the tls_index variable, reading TLS variables would then access data from another DLL.

Is your code doing callbacks into the host application in static initializers? With the XP workaround, the runtime initialization "impersonates" all threads that exist before loading the DLL, by switching the TLS-pointer array of the current thread, and that might be unexpected in a callback (but not doing this might produce even more unexpected results).

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