On Monday, 8 October 2012 at 17:20:03 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
Could XChat be loading your dll using:

and the flag DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES, or similar.

To debug, I would write a debug file using *C* IO functions from DllMain, check it loads/runs/outputs to the file from your dummy C host application, then try again with XChat and see what you get.

You could also alter the dummy C host application to call LoadLibraryEx and pass DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES and see what happens.


Upon loading the application, which is when plugins are loaded, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH is invoked once. Subsequently, DLL_THREAD_ATTACH is invoked 4 times. Then after about a second, still during startup, DLL_THREAD_DETACH is invoked twice. DLL_PROCESS_DETACH is then invoked once when closing the application.

XChat uses gmodule - part of glib - to load plugins. I looked at gmodule's Windows implementation, and it uses LoadLibraryW.

Despite finding all this, I still tried modifying the dummy host to use LoadLibraryEx out of curiosity. An access violation occurs in some druntime exception handling code as soon as I call into the plugin's init function.

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