The docs say:

Hex strings allow string literals to be created using hex data. The hex data need not form valid UTF characters.<

But this code:

void main() {
    immutable ubyte[4] data = x"F9 04 C1 E2";

Gives me:

temp.d(2): Error: Outside Unicode code space

Are the docs correct?



Seems to me this is in the same ballpark as the built-in complex numbers. Sure it's nice to be able to write "4+5i" instead of "complex(4,5)" but how frequently do you actually ever need the _literals_ even in complex computational heavy code?

Compared to "oct!5151151511", one problem with code like this is that binary blobs are sometimes large, so supporting a x"" syntax is better:

immutable ubyte[4] data = hex!"F9 04 C1 E2";


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