21.10.2012 1:52, David Nadlinger пишет:
On Saturday, 20 October 2012 at 18:56:01 UTC, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
Oh, and could somebody please post a link to the latest version of the
new std.process draft? I will probably add cross-platform support for
constraining execution time and resource (RAM, mostly) usage, but there
is no point in reimplementing it if it's already there.


Probably original discussion with links:

Links from that thread:
* std.process overhaul: https://github.com/kyllingstad/phobos/commits/new-std-process * druntime changes: https://github.com/schveiguy/druntime/commits/new-std-process

Probably nobody needs it, but:
For Win32 solution (Win64 in future) one can use
project that implement some process manipulation functionality (consider hooking.windows.* modules). It's almost undocumented but its source is obvious and it works.

For non-hooking needs, hooking.windows.process is basically a tiny WinAPI wrapper (with exceptions like e.g. Process.getThreadIds that use nasty Nt* stuff which is the only way to obtain process threads AFAIK).

If somebody needs it, feel free to send bugreports and feature-requests like: ".NET's System.Diagnostics.Process can it, implement it, now!".

And yes, 'phobos-additions' project is also required to compile and coffimplib-ed Windows SDK's psapi.lib is required to link.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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