On Friday, October 26, 2012 19:46:16 deadalnix wrote:
> Le 25/10/2012 04:12, Jonathan M Davis a écrit :
> > On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 13:31:14 Walter Bright wrote:
> >> The default compare for structs is a bit compare of the contents.
> > 
> > Which definitely seems inherently broken. Doing that only works if the
> > struct only contains integral types, character types, or bool. Nothing
> > else will compare properly that way. It really needs to work like arrays
> > do (or are supposed to anyway) and compare each member according to ==
> > and only fallback to an outright bitwise compare when it knows that the
> > results would be identical (i.e. because all of the members are integral
> > types, character types, bool, or other structs which hold only integral
> > types, character types, or bool - be it directly or in other structs that
> > they hold). Bitwise comparison is the is operator's job, not ==.
> > 
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> That will broke code.
> But That is the way to go IMO. D needs to evolve to make things more
> consistent in general.
> Still not doable without a proper versionning scheme.

TDPL clearly states that each of the struct's members are supposed to be 
checked for equality (see section, p. 258 - 259). It's outright a bug 
for structs to be checked for equality with a bitwise comparison when the 
bitwise comparison does not do exactly what == would have done had each and 
every member variable been compared with ==. And as with all bugs, fixing it 
could break code which depends on the buggy behavior. But given the nature of 
this bug, I seriously question that much of anyone thought that the == on 
structs was supposed to do anything other than what TDPL states that it should 
and that pretty much no one was expecting it to do a bitwise comparison. So, 
if anything, this will _fix_ far more code than it breaks.

- Jonathan M Davis

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