On Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 05:28:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

I have to say I was surprised to find out about this after I started using D; after first reading TDPL, I had the impression that it was supposed to do the "right thing" (and the right thing being == on each field, which I assumed the compiler would optimize into a bitwise
compare where possible).

Let's fix this.

There is a problem with floating point memebers, since nan values will always compare false.

There's other things in D that bother me, such as how struc pointers are managed, where they sometimes behave exactly like class references, but not always. The inconsistent behaviour is a trap for the programmer to fall into, and it leads to subtle hard to find errors.

For example:

struct S
       int a;
       ~this() {}


class C
       int a;
       ~this() {}

// identical behaviour
auto Sp = new S;
auto Cr = new C;

// identical behaviour

// identical behaviour
auto Sp2 = Sp;
auto Cr2 = Cr;

// ?
assert(Sp2 == Sp);
assert(Cr2 == Cr);

// different behaviour!

Last two line compile OK, but clear(Sp) does not invoke the destructor while clear(Cr) does. clear(*Sp) works, but why allow clear(Sp) if it's a pointless operation? Is this a bug in the compiler or with the language design?

Subtle differences like this are very nasty. The code should behave identically for both the struct pointer and the class reference, and if this is not poosible for some obscure reason, then the compiler should fail at the clear(Sp) line.

If I invoke with clear(*Sp) it works, but the inconsistency makes template code that takes in both a struct or a class impossible to do (or at best needlessly difficult to do).


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