On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 14:47:37 UTC, Don Clugston wrote:
One fairly non-disruptive thing we could do: implement code coverage for templates. Currently, templates get no code coverage numbers. We could do a code-coverage equivalent for templates: which lines actually got instantiated?
I bet this would show _huge_ gaps in the existing test suite.

That's a good step forward, but I don't think it solves (what appears to me to be) the most common issue: incorrect/missing template constraints.

auto average(R)(R r) if (isForwardRange!R)
    return reduce!("a + b")(r) / walkLength(r);

(This code can have full coverage for some ranges, but also needs to also check !isInfinite!R, and probably other things).

These are difficult because every time a constraint changes, you need to go round and update the constraints of all calling functions. It's like when you change the types of a function argument, or return type; except that with template constraints, nothing is checked until instantiation.

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