On Friday, 2 November 2012 at 10:09:10 UTC, so wrote:
On Friday, 2 November 2012 at 04:33:33 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:

I have a dream that one day there will be a guy with the ID philobear discussing D-related stuff on Java and Scala forums.

It's very important to look at how other very good languages solve common problems :-)

While i like many of your posts on different languages, there are also too much noise. I now realize that noise cost me a great deal. After nearly 10 years of programming i finally gave a try to lisp, just because of a phrase "programmable programming language".

This might offend some people but i have to say regardless. Lisp is the most beautiful language i have seen. If i didn't need a system language there would be no reason for me to drop everything else but only use it.

It took me 10 years to get to know it because of no advertisement and the noise and the hatred generated by 1000s other random languages that cater mediocre programmers and the "business".

Because of similar reasons, i worry about D's future too. When a language is powerful, it creates programmers that is not replaceable and we know it is not a good thing.

That is currently the problem in my line of work. Nowadays enterprise applications are all JVM or .NET based.

C++ in the cloud is viewed as something for the HPC crowd.

Finance enterprise world is currently jumping to the FP boat.

Enterprise mobile applications are use the platform default tools or are web based anyway.

This leaves little space free for D in the enterprise. :(


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