On 2012-11-02 19:36, Walter Bright wrote:

I apologize for being circumspect about this, but I have to respect
peoples' privacy and I cleared what I posted about Remedy with them
before posting it.

This has nothing to do with what Manu does for a living (sure, mentioning Remedy gives it more weight, at least for me). It's more in the line of creating a post/starting a new thread saying something like:

"After a throughout discussion with Manu (or 'a fellow D programmer' if he/she prefers to be anonymous) we have decided it would be in best interest of D if we implement this particular feature. From now on this is where I will focus most most of my time".

Something like this would be far better then suddenly seeing commits regarding SIMD (or whatever feature it might be) for out of the blue.

/Jacob Carlborg

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