On Friday, 2 November 2012 at 21:53:06 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 11/2/2012 2:33 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I said the gap is getting thinner, not that is gone. It got foreach, some form
of CTFE, static assert, lambda to mention a few new features.

No ranges.


No purity.

Yeah :(

No immutability.

Hmm const objects do it sorta-kinda... ok maybe not lol

No modules.

Apparently these are being considered for the next version!

No dynamic closures.

Hmm? std::function works just fine with lambdas

No mixins.

I don't _quite_ miss these ;)

Little CTFE.

Yeah. :\

No slicing.

You can sorta-kinda emulate these with iterators.

On the plus side, there's no ambiguity as to value vs. reference semantics in C++.

No delegates.


No shared.

I don't think many people find themselves using shared in D unfortunately.

No template symbolic arguments.

I'm not sure I know what this is referring to. Do you mean aliases?

No template string arguments.

Ah I really miss this in C++...

No alias this.

While alias this is nice, I don't seem to need it as often in C++ as you'd imagine.

It would come in handy sometimes, to be sure, but it's not a deal breaker IMO.

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