Thanks for the historical perspective.. I am fortunate enough to have studied 
English History many years ago where I learned the term... Luddites are those 
"who distrusts or fears the inevitable changes brought about by new 
technology" and in the end "the Luddite Movement ceased to be active"

While I obviously would prefer a voluntary bandplan with FCC regulation of only 
Bandwidth... I can live with temporary regulation of "non qualified automatic 
modes" as I realize that in the long run that even those unnecessary 
regulations will have to die a natural death. 

Again.. I have seen voluntary bandplans with Bandwith only regulation work in 
many countries already...they work well... they free up the ham population to 
innovate.. while the Luddites in the USA want to keep us in Technology jail 
with their fears of the future.

Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  AE6SM
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
"Awfully Extremely Six Sado Masochist"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: obrienaj 
  Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 8:33 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Re: BPL-Busting Modes/Techniques Needed to Mitigate 

  --- In, "Dave Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  > Just who are these Luddites you're so fond of attacking, Howard? 

  Finally,  an chance to use the information from those seemingly 
  useless history classes I endured while frowning up in the UK.
  Andy K3UK


  and the Neo-Luddite Reaction

  Cultural change necessarily involves resistance to change. The term 
  Luddite has been resurrected from a previous era to describe one who 
  distrusts or fears the inevitable changes brought about by new 
  technology. The original Luddite revolt occurred in 1811, an action 
  against the English Textile factories that displaced craftsmen in 
  favor of machines. Today's Luddites continue to raise moral and 
  ethical arguments against the excesses of modern technology to the 
  extent that our inventions and our technical systems have evolved to 
  control us rather than to serve us and to the extent that such 
  leviathans can threaten our essential humanity.  

  and from

  In the early months of 1811 the first threatening letters from 
  General Ned Ludd and the Army of Redressers, were sent to employers 
  in Nottingham. Workers, upset by wage reductions and the use of 
  unapprenticed workmen, began to break into factories at night to 
  destroy the new machines that the employers were using. In a three-
  week period over two hundred stocking frames were destroyed. In 
  March, 1811, several attacks were taking place every night and the 
  Nottingham authorities had to enroll four hundred special constables 
  to protect the factories. To help catch the culprits, the Prince 
  Regent offered £50 to anyone "giving information on any person or 
  persons wickedly breaking the frames".

  Luddism gradually spread to Yorkshire, Lancashire, Leicestershire 
  and Derbyshire. In Yorkshire, croppers, a small and highly skilled 
  group of cloth finishers, turned their anger on the new shearing 
  frame that they feared would put them out of work. In February and 
  March, 1812, factories were attacked by Luddites in Huddersfield, 
  Halifax, Wakefield and Leeds. 

  In February 1812 the government of Spencer Perceval proposed that 
  machine-breaking should become a capital offence. Despite a 
  passionate speech by Lord Byron in the House of Lords, Parliament 
  passed the Frame Breaking Act that enabled people convicted of 
  machine-breaking to be sentenced to death. As a further precaution, 
  the government ordered 12,000 troops into the areas where the 
  Luddites were active. 

  On of the most serious Luddite attacks took place at Rawfolds Mill 
  near Brighouse in Yorkshire. William Cartwright, the owner of 
  Rawfolds Mill, had been using cloth-finishing machinery since 1811. 
  Local croppers began losing their jobs and after a meeting at Saint 
  Crispin public house, they decided to try and destroy the cloth-
  finishing machinery at Rawfolds Mill. Cartwright was suspecting 
  trouble and arranged for the mill to be protected by armed guards. 

  Led by George Mellor, a young cropper from Huddersfield, the attack 
  on Rawfolds Mill took place on 11th April, 1812. The Luddites failed 
  in gain entry and by the time they left, two of the croppers had 
  been mortally wounded. Seven days later the Luddites killed William 
  Horsfall, another large mill-owner in the area. The authorities 
  rounded up over a hundred suspects. Of these, sixty-four were 
  indicted. Three men were executed for the murder of Horsfall and 
  another fourteen were hung for the attack on Rawfolds Mill. 

  Throughout 1812 there were attacks on Lancashire cotton mills. Local 
  handloom weavers objected to the introduction of power looms. On 
  20th March, 1812 the warehouse of William Radcliffe, one of the 
  first manufacturers to use the power-loom, was attacked in 

  Wheat prices soared in 1812. Unable to feed their families, workers 
  became desperate. There were food riots in Manchester, Oldham, 
  Ashton, Rochdale, Stockport and Macclesfield. On 20th April several 
  thousand men attacked Burton's Mill at Middleton near Manchester. 
  Emanuel Burton, who knew that his policy of buying power-looms had 
  upset local handloom weavers, had recruited armed guards and three 
  members of the crowd were killed by musket-fire. The following day 
  the men returned and after failing to break-in to the mill, they 
  burnt down Emanuel Burton's house. The military arrived and another 
  seven men were killed. 

  Three days later, Wray & Duncroff's Mill at Westhoughton, near 
  Manchester, was set on fire. William Hulton, the High Sheriff of 
  Lancashire, arrested twelve men suspected of taking part in the 
  attack. Four of the accused, Abraham Charlston, Job Fletcher, Thomas 
  Kerfoot, and James Smith, were executed. The Charlston's family 
  claimed Abraham was only twelve years old but he was not reprieved. 
  It was reported that Abraham cried for his mother on the scaffold. A 
  local part-time journalist, John Edward Taylor, investigated the 
  case and claimed that the attack had been the result of action taken 
  by spies employed by Colonel Fletcher, one of Manchester's 

  In June 1812 John Knight organised a meeting for weavers at a public 
  house in Manchester. As the meeting was coming to an end Joseph 
  Nadin, Deputy Constable of Manchester, arrived and arrested Knight 
  and thirty-seven other weavers. Knight was charged 
  with "administering oaths to weavers pledging them to destroy steam 
  looms" and they were accused of attending a seditious meeting. At 
  their subsequent trial all thirty-eight were acquitted.

  In the summer of 1812 eight men in Lancashire were sentenced to 
  death and thirteen transported to Australia for attacks on cotton 
  mills. Another fifteen were executed at York. This was followed by 
  further sporadic outbreaks of violence but by 1817 the Luddite 
  movement had ceased to be active in Britain. 

  Poster published in 1811

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  school which copies the site for local use onto a school cache is in 
  breach of copyright. If your school wishes to copy the site in this 
  way, there is a tariff of charges. Please contact Spartacus 
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  Last updated: 12th May, 2002



  (1) The attack on Burton's Mill in Middleton was reported in the 
  Leeds Mercury in April, 1812.

  A body of men, consisting of from one to two hundred, some of them 
  armed with muskets with fixed bayonets, and others with colliers' 
  picks, who marched into the village in procession, and joined the 
  rioters. At the head of the armed banditti a man of straw was 
  carried, representing the renowned General Ludd whose standard 
  bearer waved a sort of red flag.

  (2) Archibald Prentice, wrote about the Luddite disturbances in 
  April 1812, in his book Historical Sketches and Personal 
  Recollections of Manchester. 

  On Saturday, the 18th April, a numerous body of women, chiefly 
  women, assembled at the potato market, Shude Hill, where the sellers 
  were asking 14s. and 15s. per load (252 lbs.) for potatoes. Some of 
  the women began forcibly to take possession of the articles; but the 
  civil and military power interposing, to fix a sort of maximum, for 
  eight shillings per load, at which they were sold in small portions. 
  On Monday a cart carrying fourteen loads of meal was stopped, and 
  the meal carried away. On 27th April a riotous assembly took place 
  at Middleton. The weaving factory of Mr. Burton and Sons had been 
  previously threatened in consequence of their mode of weaving being 
  done by the operation of steam. The factory was protected by 
  soldiers, so strongly as to be impregnable to their assault; they 
  then flew to the house of Mr. Emanuel Burton, where they wreaked 
  their vengeance by setting it on fire. On Friday, the 24th April, a 
  large body of weavers and mechanics began to assemble about midday, 
  with the avowed intention of destroying the power-looms, together 
  with the whole of the premises, at Westhoughton. The military rode 
  at full speed to Westhoughton; and on their arrival were surprised 
  to find that the premises were entirely destroyed, while not an 
  individual could be seen to whom attached any suspicion of having 
  acted a part in this truly dreadful outrage. 

  (3) Lord Byron, speech in the House of Lords (27th February, 1812) 

  During the short time I recently passed in Nottingham, not twelve 
  hours elapsed without some fresh act of violence; and on that day I 
  left the the county I was informed that forty Frames had been broken 
  the preceding evening, as usual, without resistance and without 

  Such was the state of that county, and such I have reason to believe 
  it to be at this moment. But whilst these outrages must be admitted 
  to exist to an alarming extent, it cannot be denied that they have 
  arisen from circumstances of the most unparalleled distress: the 
  perseverance of these miserable men in their proceedings, tends to 
  prove that nothing but absolute want could have driven a large, and 
  once honest and industrious, body of the people, into the commission 
  of excesses so hazardous to themselves, their families, and the 

  They were not ashamed to beg, but there was none to relieve them: 
  their own means of subsistence were cut off, all other employment 
  preoccupied; and their excesses, however to be deplored and 
  condemned, can hardly be subject to surprise. 

  As the sword is the worst argument than can be used, so should it be 
  the last. In this instance it has been the first; but providentially 
  as yet only in the scabbard. The present measure will, indeed, pluck 
  it from the sheath; yet had proper meetings been held in the earlier 
  stages of these riots, had the grievances of these men and their 
  masters (for they also had their grievances) been fairly weighed and 
  justly examined, I do think that means might have been devised to 
  restore these workmen to their avocations, and tranquillity to the 

  (4) The Manchester Gazette (2nd May, 1812) 

  On Monday afternoon a large body, not less than 2,000, commenced an 
  attack, on the discharge of a pistol, which appeared to have been 
  the signal; vollies of stones were thrown, and the windows smashed 
  to atoms; the internal part of the building being guarded, a musket 
  was discharged in the hope of intimidating and dispersing the 
  assailants. In a very short time the effects were too shockingly 
  seen in the death of three, and it is said, about ten wounded.

  (5) John Edward Taylor wrote an article in 1819 about the Luddite 
  Riots in Manchester during 1812.

  The Middleton riots originated in severe distress, exasperated by a 
  short-sighted prejudice against the introduction of newly-invented 
  machinery. The attack of the mob upon the factory, and the 
  destruction of the house of one of its owners, were crimes of the 
  greatest enormity. But at Westhoughton, where a steam-loom factory 
  was set on fire and burnt down, the case was widely different. This 
  outrage was debated at a meeting which took place on Dean Moor, near 
  Bolton, the 9th of April, 1812, sixteen days before the scheme was 
  put in practice. At this meeting there were present, during the 
  greater part of its duration, and up to the time of its close, not 
  more than about forty persons, of whom no less than ten or eleven 
  were spies, reputed to be employed by Colonel Fletcher. The 
  occurrence of circumstances like these, sixteen days before the 
  burning of the factory took place, renders it not a matter of 
  presumption, but of absolute certainty, that that alarming outrage 
  might have been prevented, if to prevent it had been the inclination 
  of either the spies or their employers. 

  (6) Archibald Prentice, Historical Sketches and Personal 
  Recollections of Manchester (1851)

  At Accrington, on the evening of Tuesday, April the 18th, a mob of 
  probably two thousand persons assembled round the steam-loom factory 
  of Messrs. Sykes, and proceeded to break the windows. The manager, 
  who went out to address" the misguided multitude, was assaulted and 
  treated very roughly, and, fears being entertained that still 
  greater violence would be resorted to, the military were sent for. 
  On the following evening, w^en the market coach from Manchester 
  arrived at Blackburn, it was assailed by a crowd of people, who 
  showered stones upon it, and some of the manufacturers, who were in 
  and upon it, received severe bruises.



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