Title: RE: [digitalradio] Re: Question about HF-email

-----Original Message-----
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:digitalradio@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Bill Vodall WA7NWP
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:13 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Question about HF-email
> My "picture" was using Ham Radio in emergency situations, or in remote
> locations - ships at sea, mountain tops, jungle settings, etc. Sure,
> we have Satellite Phone these days. But that's not like sending one
> email communiqué to a group (of say 20 people). And I figure providing
> communications, including email, via ham radio, make the service/hobby
> a little less "obscure".

        That's essentially what Winlink is...

        A great introduction is to download and run the Airmail program.  H F or VHF.
        Clients and servers.  Internet or Radio.   It's a good first step regardless where
        you  end up going.   Note that it'll also work peer-to-peer so you don't need
        the Winlink infrastructure if you're experimenting with some friends.


        Bill - WA7NWP

        PS.  For the JNOS discussion folks..   Take JNOS2, cut out most the of BBS code and most
        of the servers.   Compile it so it's a native windows applications.   What do you have?   I     suggest "airmail".

For those like myself who only have Linux and want to run MS programs, there is VMware and a couple of other applications that you can run on Linux that will allow you to run an MS OS and applications. 

I am wondering if Linux WINE will run Airmail?  If someone knows or has done this, I'd like to know.  Airmail is a great little GUI that does anything you need to do.  If working with an external device that will do Pactor.



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