My apologies, I pressed the wrong button and deleted a message from a new member, Tim ab0wr , rather than approved it.  Sorry Tim, welcome to the group.
Here is Tim's original message.

Please be very careful in accepting anything you read from the WL2K
people about how Winlink Classic works. 
The problem with identification after a failed connection attempt is
not trivial when you are using an older modem. It is not, however, a
Winlink Classic problem, it is a *modem* problem. The AEA pk-232mbx,
one of the commonly used pactor I modems, does not provide a way to
send an indentification after a failed connection attempt in pactor
mode.  The client software would have to put the modem in another
mode, e.g. morse or packet, in order to send an identification
string. It would then have to put it back into pactor listen mode. I
believe the older Kantronics modems have the same problem. My guess
is that WL2K won't work any better with these modems than Winlink
Classic. Nor will Airmail.
The answer would be to rewrite Winlink Classic to work with an SCS
modem capable of doing the identification after a failed connect
Bottom line, k4cjx is *really* advocating banning the use of AEA
pk-232mbx modems and Kantronics all-mode modems from being used in
pactor modes since they won't identify at the end of a *MANUAL*
connection attempt that fails, let alone an automatic attempt. 
Of course, this will push everyone into buying SCS modems. 
If I can find it, there is a fellow in Europe that is developing a
rival to WL2K using mfsk16 or mfsk32, I believe. It is set up to
work with jnos or tnos or one of the variants and is written in Perl
if I remember correctly. If I can find his web site, I'll post it.
While it won't be quite as fast as pactor III it will be very
robust, much cheaper, and open source. I suspect you will see a lot
of people moving to this type of operation if he has time to publish
tim ab0wr

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