Very perceptive of you... in the long run, the FCC has a lot of better things to do than spend their limited resources continuing the excessive regulation of the Ham Bands... Removing the Telegraphy licensing barrier and reducing excessive Ham Regulation will go a long way to reducing the burden on the FCC and many of their pronouncements over the past few years show that is the way they are leaning.....  So maybe the FCC might take one giant step and bring Ham Radio into a 21st Century Regulatory Regime in one broad stroke...
Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  ex-AE6SM  KY6LA
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
"Ham Antennas Save Lives - Katrina, 2003 San Diego Fires, 911"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Bandwidth and Olivia

At 03:03 PM 11/27/2005, you wrote:
>Even if the ARRL adopts the more restrictive ARRL model ... I predict that
>in the longer run we will ultimately get to the Canadian Model....

If I was forced to make a wager, that is where my money would go.  We will
have to see how the telegraphy testing rule pans out.  That will tell us
what type of regulatory environment the suites the FCC.  They have refused
to mode segregate 160 meters, they refused to set a maximum bandwidth for
telephony, and they want to drop telegraphy proficiency testing.  I think a
trend is starting to show.  I would expect some sort of omnibus
re-alignment of part 97.


Mark N5RFX

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