Thanks for sharing your direct experience from UK, Canada and Australia.. on your voluntary bandplans..
I have personally also had direct experience with these plans and found just like you all have found that they work exceedingly well..
And of course, there is no good reason to think that they would not work just as well in the USA...
Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6  ex-AE6SM  KY6LA
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
"Ham Antennas Save Lives - Katrina, 2003 San Diego Fires, 911"
----- Original Message -----
From: Mel
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 2:55 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] The UK Amateur Radio Band Plan

For those who may be interested to know

80 metres
3.500 to 3.510    CW DX portion

3.500 to 3.560    CW band allocation

3.560 to 3.585    Novice portion

3.580 to 3.620    CW and digital modes

3.620 to 3.800    Phone allocation and CW

3.775 to 3.800    Phone DX portion

I cannot recall when I last heard anyone using CW in the phone section

20 metres

14.000 to 14.069  CW portion

14.070 to 14.099  digital modes

14.099 to 14.101  beacons

14.101 to 14.112  digital mail boxes etc

14.112 to 14.350  phone allocation and CW

14.125 to 14.300  SSB contest allocation

14.225 to 14.235  SSTV/fax allocation

Once again I cannot recall the last time I heard CW in the phone SSB

This plan has been in force for many years and as far as most
operators are concerned the allocations of band space work quite
satisfactorily.  Having read most of the comments regarding what are
called sub-bands, not subbands, it is difficult to understand why
there should be any conflicts of interests.


Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector :
DigiPol:  (band plan policy discussion)

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