What are the preferred specifications for sound
processing for the most exacting Ham modes, please?

I am beginning the design of a audio chain that
will double for Ham and home studio purposes.

Is 24-bit/96kHz suitable to meet the needs well
into the near-term future?

I have Ham interests in ATV, DATV, SSTV, DSSTV,
assorted digital modes, and LinRad.

My son has interests in audio and video recording
and processing and the production of material for
streaming Internet audio and perhaps video.

I also record and send public service announcements
to radio stations from time to time and they have
somewhat rigid requirements.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e  http://bibleseven.com
Florida Home w/Rohn 45 in concrete base & 10 acres for sale:

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://cluster.dynalias.org

Other areas of interest:

The MixW Reflector : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/themixwgroup/
DigiPol: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Digipol  (band plan policy discussion)

Ham radio Craft hobby Hobby and craft supply


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