KV9U wrote:
> I am at that point that I could switch, even if I have to give up some 
> of the software that I prefer, since I have retired and do not 
> absolutely have to have certain Windows only software that I used to 
> require in my business.
> Years ago I had a Linux dual boot and managed to correct my MBR and did 
> not know what to do to get back to Windows, however, now I think I can 
> repair that if it happens again so that would be an alternative.
> Are there any hams who have recently completely switched over to Linux?
> If so, can you comment on the pros and cons of your experience?
> Are there any good discussion groups that cover this topic?
> Has anyone had any success yet with the XP version of Win4Lin and 
> running the serial ports? This seems to be the only stumbling block.
> 73, Rick, KV9U

I am running Puppy Linux, v2.12 just released.

I have just begun experimenta with WINE and MS Win apps,
so far pretty good performance.

I have run a Windows programming app through the USB
port and a USB-Serial adapter with some success.

Puppy can be run off a CD, CD-RW (if you want to save
files to the CD), a USB memory stick, and I believe
a CF or SD card.  It never has to write anything to
the HDD.

I have had Puppy running dual-boot with Win98 with
no problems.  I just don't like MS on any machine it
does not have to be on since it is so buggy and so


Thanks! & 73,
doc, KD4E
... somewhere in FL
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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