> Now if you convert this .doc file into a moderately compressed (90%) pdf 
> file, it grows to 67 K, so that is probably not a good direction.
> A possible answer might be to move toward the coming standardized file 
> structure already available in FOSS software such as Open Office that 
> uses the Open Document formats such as Open Document Text (.odt). These 
> files are almost always half or less of a MS .doc file and yet it seems 
> to have quite adequate formatting and Rich Text equivalency.
> 73, Rick, KV9U

What about DjVu?  Their file compression tends to be
exceptionally efficient.

I believe they have versions for Apple, Linux, & MS.


Thanks! & 73,
doc, KD4E
... somewhere in FL
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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