David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD wrote:

>  Your point was "QRM is inevitable -- live with it".
>  My point is "QRM from unattended stations is preventable; stop making
>  excuses and fix it".
>  david/wd4kpd

The point is: How?

The workings of HF links have been explained here, and the assymetric 
cases (to identify them somehow)
you hear me but I don't  hear you DO HAPPEN, by an uncoutable number of 
reasons (QRO vs QRP, propagation assymetries, etc)

So far, the software multimode squelch is still wishful thinking, as far 
as I know.

How many modes are you going to identify?

It is the same case as an antivirus, it fails when a new virus appears...

A extreme case is that it might identify thunder as an oldtimer 
operating in spark...

Jose, CO2JA

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