On Thu, 21 Dec 2006 17:52:37 -0500
"Danny Douglas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As you say, everyone is a bit different  as to where their waterfall
> "pointer" lies on a digital signal.  It is much better to just spot
> the actual freq where the audio signal comes out on the waterfall.
> I.E.  14.0731.  No matter who clicks on a spot like that, their
> "trace" comes out on the waterfall as that freq.  We dont care where
> each others dial freq is - but the location of the signal.  In your
> case its dial plus 1500 -  In mine its dial plus 1000, other will
> have similar setting according to where their sound card best passes
> a signal (sweet spot), and there is no qestion where the transmitting
> signal is found.  Double click a spot, and bang- your
> reciever/transmitter freqs are set properly, and no one has to look
> around to see where in the world the spotter found it.

I'm not sure I follow this argument...not the part about deriving RF
frequencies from dial & audio...about using DX cluster spots to auto

If I click on a spot on a cluster (as above...say 14.0731) then my rig
QSYs to 14.0731...ie carrier/dial frequency. If the actula RF frequency
of the signal I want is on 140731 then I'm not going to see it, as
it'll be a zero Hz on the waterfall.

All the signals in the passband are therefore above 14.0731 (assuming
USB)...with the middle of the passband corresponding to roughly

If I read you right you're suggesting reporting spots with the actual
RF frequency of the TX (derived from your software adding AF frequency
to the reported RF frequency from the rig - taking into account

This is fair enough since that's all you can know, you can't know what
combination of "dial" and "audio" was configured by the sending
station, nor the infinite combinations used by everyone else. 

My problem is that in my experience clicking a spot on a DXCluster will
put the rig's dial to that QRG....you still need to offtune down a kHz
or so to put that specific frequency into the passband...

I agree that the actual QRG should be the one reported - but AFAICT
we'll still need to do our own maths to put the required RF frequency
into the right area of baseband on the waterfall.

BTW I find most Olivia sigs in Europe around 14106.5 or 14107.5
(centre)...with 1k/32 that puts the bottom carrier @ 14106 or 14107.
I see MFSK, as already reported, around 14073 and up with very little
below the PSK31 region. Never knowingly seen Throb.

Cheers from Shetland 


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