w6ids wrote:
> Hey, Cecil........
> I went to the link at the end of your message.  The site
> seems a bit sparse.  I did learn of Soft Rocks a while
> ago, but it memory serves, it seemed like the project
> was sort of going into a sleepy mode.
> Tell me where to look for specific thingies like pricing
> for additional frequency bands,  any goals for power out
> like perhaps 10 or 50 watts, development goals,
> software/GUI,  typical ops.
> I saw the subdirs that incuded articles but I'm looking
> for what the info would be NOW.  Is there a specific
> window through which orders can be placed, other
> than what's shown on the site?
> Where are all the units that have been sold?  If they're
> on the air, sadly, I've never run across one.  I wonder
> if my questions only show me to be a bit of a simple
> "digital mushroom" or something?
> Now, that said, if I missed something at the site I just
> visited, forgive me.  I'm interested....
> Howard W6IDS
> Richmond, IN

First, that is not an official site of any kind so it does not reflect 
the latest and greatest available information. The official place for 
information is the Yahoo SoftRock40 group, that is the place where the 
designer of the SoftRock series discusses upcoming new items and people 
who use the SoftRock's discuss changes and improvements. You are not 
going to find much information in any other list. I have not updated my 
site in a while so it's a little behind the times, I'm planning on 
updating my site some time in the next two weeks.

I have no clue where you got the information that the project was not 
active, it has been continually active and several different models have 
been available. Recently some beta's of a transceiver model was made 
available and after a few tweaks will be available early next year (next 
week). Since up to now the effort was concentrated on receivers explains 
why you have not heard one on the air, the few that are on the air 
besides receiving are made by individuals, but soon with an official 
transceiver so there will be a few on the air. The initial run will be 
1000 transceivers.

This project is a "technology sampler" and as such is not meant to 
compete with commercial units, the output will be slightly over 1 watt 
peak, it will be up to individuals to go further by additions of their 
own amplifiers. There are several people that are modifying their 
software to create a transceiver, but so far most are not making the 
source code available for custom modifications, the only exception is 
the FlexRadio software, a special modified version is available from 
Bill Tracey and will soon be incorporated into the Flex main release.

All information on the project is to be found in the Yahoo group 
including schematics, ordering information, and building instructions.

Originally the first SoftRock was made available by the AMQRP club,  but 
due complains from QRP-L members about the volume of emails and the 
AMQRP club imploding the people interested in the project moved to the 
Yahoo list since it became obvious that the AMQRP club was not going to 
do anything further with it. This list has been very active since 
September 2005.

<  URL:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/softrock40/  >


www.qrpradio.com www.hpsdr.com

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