How do you determine your specific 20 second turnaround time?

Couldn't it be any reasonable number from say 1 second up to maybe 20 

Seems as if the SCAMP protocol was around 12 seconds, but I am not 
certain of that. Then the listening period was for over a half second. 
That is the main thing, having enough turn around time so the computer 
can control the PTT in a timely manner.

When I observe how fast my computer can control my ICOM rig through the 
CI-V, I would have to say that it is quite fast but probably not able to 
key CW.


Rick, KV9U

cesco12342000 wrote:

>>I often wonder if there is even one ham working on adapting
>>the existing 
>>ham DRM type protocol to a pipelined ARQ connected mode that has 
>>adaptability to conditions. 
>I think no.
>The main problem of arq-drm is the very long turnaround time. 
>It's in the 20sec range. This makes "normal" arq like in pskmail or 
>packet a very lame thing.
>The only work-around is the thing digital sstv does. keep the number 
>of arq cycles as low as possible.
>This is done by sending out all data at once (20kb or more), and then 
>getting the not-ack's (there are no ack's) for all the lost segments 
>(packets, 400ms data chunks) at once. 
>This does work very well for large amounts of data, but is not good 
>for small (less 5k) data transfers.
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