Ok! Obrigado!

Já descobri o link correcto e já descarreguei!

Um abraço

On 1/11/07, CT2HKY do Gmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Colega Salomão e outros, se forem a este link:  http://www.ea1cui.com/ tem
lá o acesso para descarregar o programa.

Também o podem fazer em: ftp://ct2hky.no-ip.biz secção/directório PSK

Continuação de muitos e bons contactos.

Luis Cavaleiro

----- Original Message -----
 *From:* Salomao Fresco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*To:* digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: [digitalradio] New software available for next 070 Club


Quero experimentar o software, mas para aceder ao sitio pede "password" e
"nome de utilizador".

Se possivel envia por e-mail.



On 1/10/07, EA4ZB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hey all!
> New software is available for next 070 CLUB PSKFEST. The author is
> Juanma EA1CUI.
> Hello
> Under date of today, I send you a link for the unloading of Psk's
> program.
> The Program is named *Conatct Psk *and this prepared to calculate the
> contest 070 Club PskFest
> It can be used in Spanish and in English, and he has many advantages.
> The program finds in the following link:
> *The program can do the following:*
> **
> - he has two individual visual display screens of Rx/Tx
> - Psk31 and Psk63
> - Incorporate 72 Macros Automatic
> - he calculates coordinates and walks
> - the Call Consults Book
> - he has book of contacts
> - export and he imports a Cabrillo
> - he calculates statistics for DXCC, WAE and IOTA
> - calculates the punctuation of the contest 070 Club Pskfest
> - capture IOTAS in real time
> - he has Qsl's's module of impression, envelopes and labels.
> - use visual informacón's windows for colors
> - send and capture progressive numbers
> - he can create multiple log ' s
> - he connects to the Cluster
> This and next muches but. An interesting Software created in Spain for
> Psk for the station is 
> *
> I hope that you like it . Greetings and to next
> joaquin, EA4ZB
> (Translate to spanish language the activities to 070 CLUB, endorsements,
> contest rules, etc and more...)
> (casi todo en psk - psk31 para principiantes - concursos en español)


Salomão Fresco

If it works... dont fix it!


Salomão Fresco

If it works... dont fix it!

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