Hey Omar, YK1AO:

Alternative site for download Contact Psk 4,5 here:

Good contest

2007/1/10, o. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

   Dear friend;

How do I get the program. It needs a password and ID????????

Best 73

Omar YK1AO

----- Original Message -----
*To:* grupo digitalradio <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:03 PM
*Subject:* [digitalradio] New software available for next 070 Club PSKFEST

 Hey all!

New software is available for next 070 CLUB PSKFEST. The author is Juanma


Under date of today, I send you a link for the unloading of Psk's program.

The Program is named *Conatct Psk *and this prepared to calculate the
contest 070 Club PskFest

It can be used in Spanish and in English, and he has many advantages.

The program finds in the following link:


*The program can do the following:*


- he has two individual visual display screens of Rx/Tx

- Psk31 and Psk63

- Incorporate 72 Macros Automatic

- he calculates coordinates and walks

- the Call Consults Book

- he has book of contacts

- export and he imports a Cabrillo

- he calculates statistics for DXCC, WAE and IOTA

- calculates the punctuation of the contest 070 Club Pskfest

- capture IOTAS in real time

- he has Qsl's's module of impression, envelopes and labels.

- use visual informacón's windows for colors

- send and capture progressive numbers

- he can create multiple log ' s

- he connects to the Cluster

This and next muches but. An interesting Software created in Spain for Psk
for the station is 


I hope that you like it . Greetings and to next

joaquin, EA4ZB
(Translate to spanish language the activities to 070 CLUB, endorsements,
contest rules, etc and more...)
(casi todo en psk - psk31 para principiantes - concursos en español)

73 de Joaquin, EA4ZB

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