> I rest my case: walt talks about all these different varieties of linux, 
> RedHat,Mandrake,SuSe, puppy linux and Debian,
> all in one sentence. I take it these OS are not compatible with each 
> other. How the heck can u figure out what runws best with which?
> John VE5MU

You'd be resting your case on a losing premise.

Remember that apps written for the various MS versions
of windows have not always been compatible -- there
are some major problems between word processors.

Most apps written for Linux are easily compatible
across the various Linux distros.

In Linux one is free to customize their OS to meet
specialized needs or use a general purpose one --
without paying for the one-size-tries-to-fit-all
mess that is MS.

One of the two largest makers of animated films
left both Apple and MS and went to Linux -- because
neither Apple or MS could keep up with their needs.
They now have apps that are better than their
competitors because when they have a need they just
write the new code.  Clean, easy, simple.  No way
one does that with MS products -- too may contract
licensing restrictions.

Linux = free non-proprietary freedom.
Apple & MS = costly proprietary straitjacket.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com
Note:  Both down temporarily due to server change.

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