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From: ve5kc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 16, 2007 6:36 AM
Subject: [MMVARI] MMVARI Ver. 0.42 Beta Released

Hi guys..

The new version is now available from the MM Hamsoft website.

MMVARI Ver. 0.42 Beta has only minor changes. The main change should
be welcomed by those who complained or had concerns about the warning
box that pops up each time you run MMVARI. [About the program being
made for MBCS (JA/HL/BV/BY) languages] The many English Hams using
MMVARI have proven it to work very well in the English environment.

With this release you will only get the warning box the first time you
run MMVARI. On future starts of the program, you will no longer see
the warning or need to click [Yes] to run the program.

Thanks to Oba for all his help.

73 . . Ken - VE5KC
Webmaster MM Hamsoft

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